Di-Life EU

G3Ferrari Delizia G10006 R

delivery time: Im Versandlager lagernd - versandbereit in 3-4 Tagen
Product.Nr.: G10006
weight: 10 kg

Manufacturer: G3Ferrari



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With pizza oven Delizia you'll finally be able to cook the real Pizza Napoletana to your kitchen in just 5 minutes, season it with ingredients that you prefer, having fun to experience every day new tasty recipes. The fragrance and the inimitable taste of the pizza in the oven are enhanced inside Delizia oven. The key to achieving good pizza is a very high cooking temperature (400° C) for a few minutes: in this way you can cook the dough without drying the dressing. The household oven typically do not reach these temperatures, but Delizia refractory stone really makes a difference reaching up to 400°C, guaranteeing the same result of the furnaces of the best pizzeria in Naples. Without cooking smoke or unpleasant smells, the pizza oven Delizia can also be used to bake cakes, pies, wraps, cakes and chestnuts.

Other Household Small Appliance


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