Di-Life EU

Braun BNT400 - Remote sensing - White - Forehead - °C - Body temperature,Surface temperature - 0.1 °C

delivery time: Im Versandlager lagernd - versandbereit in 3-4 Tagen
Product.Nr.: BNT400WE
weight: 0,5 kg


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No touch + touch forehead thermometer with Age Precision - 100g

The Braun No touch + touch thermometer with Age Precision® is a forehead thermometer featuring the patented Age Precision® technology – an age-adjustable fever guidance which helps you to take the guesswork out of interpreting the temperature. It allows for quick and easy measurement for the whole family in both no touch and touch mode.

Easy interpretation of the results thanks to the colour-coded display
Helps you interpret the results easily.

Accurate measurements for the whole family
Quick & easy measurement in no touch and touch mode

No touch mode
Great for taking temperature without all the inconvenience of classic digital thermometers

Touch mode
Designed for the whole family - from baby to adult- and convenient for self-measurement

Food & Liquids mode
Make sure your baby's food, milk or bath water is at the right temperature in just a few seconds

2-second measurement
Quick and easy measurement in a couple of seconds

Backlit display
Ideal for use in night-time environment when your child is getting some rest

Silent mode
Perfect for taking temperature without waking up a sleeping child or baby

Health Articles


Sicherheitshinweise: • Lesen Sie diese Gebrauchsanleitung sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie das Thermometer verwenden. • Die Benutzung außerhalb der vorgesehenen Betriebsbedingungen oder die Lagerung außerhalb der vorgesehenen Lager- und Transportbedingungen kann zu ungenauen Messwerten führen. • Das Thermometer enthält Kleinteile (Batterie, usw.), die von Kindern verschluckt werden könnten. Gerät daher nicht unbeaufsichtigt Kindern überlassen.​

* Only reviews that were submitted by buyers who bought the product in this shop receive the addition "Verified Purchase". more

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