ESSCHERT DESIGN Lachsflammbrett

Technische Details:
Name | Wert |
Farbe | natur |
Materialmix | Zedernholz / Edelstahl |
Länge | 19.5 cm |
Breite | 5.6 cm |
Höhe | 55.2 cm |
Gewicht | 0.929 kg |
Sicherheitsmerkmale | WARNING! Do not leave the product unattended while in use. The flame board and metal parts become extremely hot during cooking, so use heat-resistant gloves and tools. This product is for outdoor use only and should be used in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable materials. Keep children and pets at a safe distance during use. Ensure the board is securely fastened to prevent tipping or falling. Allow the flame board to cool completely before handling or storing. Clean the board thoroughly after each use, as it comes into direct contact with fish. |
WARNING! Do not leave the product unattended while in use. The flame board and metal parts become extremely hot during cooking, so use heat-resistant gloves and tools. This product is for outdoor use only and should be used in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable materials. Keep children and pets at a safe distance during use. Ensure the board is securely fastened to prevent tipping or falling. Allow the flame board to cool completely before handling or storing. Clean the board thoroughly after each use, as it comes into direct contact with fish.
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Esschert Design BVE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Euregioweg 225
ZIP Code: 7532SM
City: Enschede
Country: DE
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