Rotho, Systembox, Agilo, A5 transparent stapelbar

Lieferzeit: lagernd, sofort versandbereit

Art.Nr.: 1793200096
Gewicht: 1 kg
Hersteller: Rotho
This Systemboxes are available in 3 different sizes: small (A5), medium (A4) and large (A3). The boxes are easy to pile up: two
boxes of the same size one above the other (with or without lid) as well as two smaller boxes on the box of the next bigger size
(without lid). They are ideal for all kind of use in your household, hobbyroom or garage. The ergonomic formed grip helps you to
carry heavy loads. Thanks to the combination of smooth and structured surfaces and translucent colours the Systemboxes seem light.
Lids are separately available.* Den Zusatz “Verifizierter Kauf” erhalten nur Bewertungen, die von Käufern abgegeben wurden, die das Produkt in diesem Shop gekauft haben. mehr
Name: RothoStrasse: Albtalstrasse 46
Postleitzahl: 79837
Stadt: St. Blasien
Land: DE
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